
Best Diet Plan for glowing skin



You should take Breakfast between 6:45 am to 7:00 am. Drink one cup of milk/ green tea with oats or with one wheat bread/one cup of papaya juice as it contains vitamin C that helps a lot to make your skin healthier. 

Also, eat at least 4 almonds as it contains vitamin E which help to nourish and soften your skin.

Best Diet Plan for glowing skin
Best Diet Plan for glowing skin

Mid Morning:

From 9:30 am to 10 am drink 1 glass of any fresh fruit juice or coconut water as it keeps you hydrated.


Have lunch from 12:30 to 1:00 Vegetables + chicken Or grilled fish chicken+ brown rice /Lentil soup.


You should have dinner between 7:00 to 8:00 pm: Vegetable or chicken stew. A cup of raita or vegetable curry/avocado pasta or Spanish salad.


  Around 10 pm drink a glass of warm milk with a pinch of turmeric.

Foods that You Should Avoid:

Best Diet Plan for glowing skin
Best Diet Plan for glowing skin

Avoid caffeine: 
 As it causes dehydration ultimately causes acne and impurities on your skin.

Avoid sugar: 
 Researches have proven that foods that contain sugar damage skin cells also promote inflammation.

Avoid processed foods
 That contain fats and carbs which promote inflammation to your skin.

Avoid oily food:
As they cause a change in hormones and lead to acne on your skin.

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