
Tips For Healthy Hair

1. Do conditioning regularly: 

After every wash use a moisturizing conditioner. If you don't use a moisturizing conditioner after every wash it can be the reason for frizzy hair.

2. Condition the right way: 

Conditioners are formulated only to moisturize your hairs, not your scalp. So start applying conditioner 2 inches away from your scalp. Because applying the conditioner to the scalp makes your hair oily.

3. Avoid the heat:

Avoid overheating your hair because heat strips out the moisture content from your hair and also burns your hair. Avoid iron straightener only straighten your hair if necessary and apply the suitable serum before heating your hair.

4. Avoid tight hair ties:

 Tight hair ties increase the friction that causes the hair breakage. Tie hair with a cloth or loose ribbons.

5. Don't tie your hair tightly during bedtime:

Do a loose braid or a side braid before you go to bed at night. It avoids frizzy and messy hair. Don't leave your hair open when you go to bed at night because it tends to create knots.

6. Cautiously dry your hair:

While drying don't rub your hair. Because it doubles up the amount of hair falls and breaks.

7. Oil the scalp:

Apply suitable hair oil on your scalp frequently. It provides essential nourishment to your hair. But do not apply over oil on the scalp because it will make you use too much shampoo that strips out moisture from your hair.

8. Use a suitable hair mask:

It is really important to use a suitable hair mask to avoid many hair problems.


Coldwater is really good for hair. Warm water affects the same as iron affects your hair. Coldwater doesn't mean ice water you can use water at room temperature.

10. Healthy eating:

You must need to eat healthy if you want healthy and good hair. Nutrients, vitamins and proteins are necessary for good and healthy hair. If you are unable to get these nutrients from your diet then you can also consider taking some supplements for hair growth.