
Hypertension Types, Risk Factors and Best Foods to Control Hypertension

 High blood pressure /hypertension is a condition in which blood is pumped  with higher pressure around your body. When a person having persistently blood pressure above 140/90mmHg is a hypertensive.

Types of hypertension:

There are two types of hypertension primary and secondary.

1. primary hypertension:

    It is most common type of high blood pressure and it develops by age.
2. Secondary hypertension:

    It is caused by certain medicines or other medical conditions.

Risk factors of high blood pressure:

Following factors can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure:

  • Older age
  • Race
  • Family History
  • Being overweight
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol and Tobacco consumption
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking Birth Control pills
Foods to control hypertension:
  Carrots contain antioxidants and potassium and fibers that helps to control high blood pressure.
   Spinach contains potassium that causes sodium to flush out from kidneys and decreases the                      blood pressure.  
3. Oranges:
    Oranges contain vitamin C which act as antioxidant and help developing high blood pressure.        
 4. Guava:
     Guava contains potassium and it decreases bad cholesterol and rises good cholesterol.
 5. Peas:
      Peas contains fibers, potassium and magnesium that helps to reduce high blood pressure.