Nowadays everybody is going through some issues in life. It may be related to a family, friends, education, or Financial. Life is getting too stressed day by day. We all need to learn how to deal with stress and anxiety without taking medications.
The medications to avoid stress as benzodiazepines cause many side effects that can lead to other medical conditions.
For example, upset stomach, problems with balance and coordination or speech, drowsiness, and loss of memory.
So, first of all, you need to learn what is stress and are you having stress?
''Stress is the body's reaction to any change that compels adjustment''
It has a major effect on our mood, behavior, and well-being. So it is crucial to deal with stress to be more efficient in every aspect of life.
Symptoms of stress:
- You may feel dizziness
- Change in sleep circles
- Change in appetite
- The feeling of not being well
- Pain or aches in the neck or shoulders
- Mood swings
- Tiredness etc.
So there are some tips that may help you deal with stress:
1. Be more conscious about your diet:
Try to eat food that reduces stress as oranges, avocado, nuts & seeds, blueberries, dark chocolate.
2. Do the physical workout:
You can try basic yoga exercises to relieve the stress as there are many YouTube channels from which you can find the best exercises that might suitable for you.
3. Stay positive:
Try to surround yourself with the people who make you happy and satisfied with life. Also, hang out with your friends when you feel you need a break.
4. Do not frustrate yourself with anything:
Make yourself flexible and accepting of life. You can not control life but you can control yourself. Learn about self-love try to do the things that make you happy like drawing, cooking gardening.
5: You can keep a pet:
Researches have proved that people or kids having a pet have less tendency to suffer from stress.
6: Spend time with yourself:
Sometimes you need to be alone and to listen to your inner voice. It is really important to stay connected to yourself, in this fake world. You should avoid the things that make you stressed and anxious.
7. Do some breathing exercises:
Breathing exercises help a lot to deal with sudden anxiety attacks. Also makes you active and fresh.
8: Share your problems:
The best way is to deal with stress is to share your problems with a person you rely on. Are you may visit the therapist to discuss the issues you don't need to burden your head with useless thoughts and worries. You need to look around there are many reasons to stay happy. Life is short make it worth living instead of worrying about the things that you can't control.
9. Write down:
Try to write down things that make you feel anxious and stressed also write a solution to them. So whenever you face such things read those solutions. That will help you to deal with stress and will keep you motivated.