
How to deal with seasonal or dust allergies

If allergy symptoms are annoying you, these allergy therapies and prevention strategies may work for you.

In SPRING season when many people complain about seasonal allergy. Symptoms may include congestion, rashes, runny noses,   itchy and coughing, watery eyes, sneezing, —and just generally feeling miserable.

Allergies may occur due to pollen in the spring season other allergies may be due to dust mites, pet dander, dust.

These strategies may help to treat or prevent symptoms:

1. Use decongestants:

Decongestants are used to treat nasal congestion.

Many decongestants are available over the counter like Vicks cool mist humidifier as the best natural decongestant or Pseudoephedrine etc.

2. Keep your nose clean:

Keep your nose clean from irritating pollens and dust particles. Rinse your nose every morning and after returning from traveling you must need to rinse your nose to avoid allergies due to dust particles or pollens.

How to deal with seasonal or dust allergies
How to deal with seasonal or dust allergies

3. Use antihistamines medicines:

Use antihistamine drugs Loratadine, Cetirizine, Brompheniramine, or Chlorpheniramine.

Antihistamines block the effects of a substance called histamine in your body. Histamine is generally released when your body discovers something harmful, such as an infection. It results in blood vessels expanding and skin swelling, which helps protect the body.

4.while traveling keep the windows of your car close:

To avoid inhaling pollen or dust particles. If you are in an area where flowers are blooming and you do not shut the windows it will worsen the condition.

5. allergy shots:

 No one should have to suffer from allergies in silence. Allergy shots can assist a lot of the symptoms, particularly when people have tried all the different stuff and are still having problems. Allergy shots boost your immune system and desensitized your body against allergens.

6. Use herbal tea:

Use herbal teas to avoid allergies like ginger, lemon balm, turmeric, and licorice.

7.Take steam

Taking steam is another way of dealing with a seasonal and dust allergy. Simply, take some hot water in a large bowl add a little amount of Vicks and bend over the steam released by it. Cover your head with the towel and inhale the steam properly. Do this for at least ten minutes.

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