
Best remedies For Dark Spots

1. Lemon juice:

Take the lemon juice and apply it to the dark spots, black spots. The Vitamin C in lemon juice acts as an antioxidant on the skin and eliminates the impurities on the skin. 

Now take the cotton ball and dip it into the lemon juice and rub the area of dark spots and black spots. If anyone has sensitive skin, then dilute the lemon juice with water. Use this until you obtain the desired result.

Tips For Dark Spots
Best remedies For Dark Spots

 2. Rose Water and Neem

Chop a handful of neem leaves using rose water and apply a thick coating to your face. Leave it for thirty minutes and then rinse your face with warm water. 

Neem includes antibacterial and healing properties that eliminate bacteria from the skin surface that induces pimples and assists in the reduction of spots and blemishes.

3. Treat Dark Spots with Milk:

Take the milk in a container. Soak the cotton ball in the milk, then rub the cotton ball on the dark spot area in a circular motion. Daily do it for five minutes. Do it until you obtain the desired results.

4. Olive oil and Coconut Oil Massage:

Mix equal portions of coconut oil and olive oil, gently massage onto the areas affected by dark spots for four to five minutes in a circular motion. To wipe out the excess oil wipe your face with cotton soaked in slightly warm water. 

Both coconut oil and olive oil is abundant in vitamin E and K that enhances elasticity, skin tone, and removes sun spots, and dark patches.

5. Lemon Juice and Cold Potato:

Take few slices of potato and dip in one cup of hot water for twenty minutes. Drain the potato juice into the container. Add half freshly squeezed lemon juice to it.

 Place the container in the refrigerator for about 1 hr. Soak cotton into this cold juice and wipe your face. Do it two times a day. A wonderful treatment for the removal of dark spots and blemishes.

6. Vitamin E

The dark spot is caused by vitamin inadequacy. Vitamin E inadequacy is the main reason for dark spots or black spots.  Apply the Vitamin E oils like almond oils etc., on the dark spots. Add Vitamin E-rich foods to your meal.

7. Aloe Vera for Black Spots:

The best natural treatment to reduce black spots is applying aloe Vera gel. Wash it after twenty minutes. Aloe Vera is the best dark spot remover. The aloe Vera eliminates the acne scars, acne marks, etc.

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