
Side effects, Warnings and High risks of aspirin tablet

An undesirable effect of a drug is known as a side effect. Aspirin tablets also cause many undesirable effects.

Side effects of aspirin:

 Urticaria (hives), GI bleeding, rhinitis, angioneurotic edema ( relapsing subcutaneous or submucosal edema),cerebral hemorrhage, airway obstruction, gastric ulceration, gastric erosion.

In case of acute overdose: 

Signs may include: coma, acidosis ( too much acid in the body fluids), hyperthermia, volume depletion, hyperglycemia , renal failure and  hyperventilation.


Aspirin should be taken with caution in patients having chronic renal insufficiency, gastric ulcer, severe anemia, and patients intolerant to salicylate. Avoid in the patient who are having blood coagulation defects or patient is on anticoagulants. Also liver function must be monitored in patient having liver disease to avoid hypertoxicity.

High risks:

Aspirin tablets should not be given to pediatrics, pregnant mothers or patient suffering from kidney and liver dysfunction.