
Glowing Skin Tips

Good skincare is crucial for the following reasons: Helps your skin stay in good condition, Skin cells break off during the day, so retaining your skin shiny and in good condition is significant.

 A beneficial routine can help to avoid acne, treat wrinkles, and maintain your skin looking its best.

Glowing Skin Tips
Glowing Skin Tips

So I'm gonna share the 3 best and effective recipes for glowing skin: 



1. Aloe Vera


3. Milk

4. Turmeric

5. Rosewater


Take 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel, honey, milk, rose water, and a pinch of turmeric. Mix all these ingredients and make a paste. First, wash apply the paste for 15 to 20 minutes then wash your face and clean it with a soft towel.

Recipe: 2


1. half teaspoon turmeric

2. two teaspoon lemon juice 

3. two teaspoon of Besan (gram flour)


Mix all the ingredients and make an paste then wash your face and dry it apply the paste to your face and neck, wait for 15 minutes to dry then wash your face with the normal water and clean it with a smooth towel.

Recipe: 3


1. A teaspoon of lemon juice 

2. two to four days of mint leaves

3.  half teaspoon of Banana mashed


Crush the mint leaves and mix with the banana mashed and lemon juice then apply it on your face and wait until it dries wash your face and clean with the smooth towel apply this paste twice a week.

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